This ABC news story illustrates a common argument against earmarks: Lawmakers on Capitol Hill look to cut spending amid thousands of omnibus earmark projects What it gets right: What it gets wrong:
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Analysis: Earmarks Not Swaying Votes (So Far)
One of the justifications for bringing back earmarks was to create incentives for members of both parties to vote for major bills by including projects that had been sponsored by individual members to directly benefit their Congressional District or State. Thus far, that has not been the case, per reporting from Stars and Stripes: House… Continue reading Analysis: Earmarks Not Swaying Votes (So Far)
News: Senate Earmark Split May Not Be 50-50
Roll Call reports: Senate Appropriations Chairman Patrick J. Leahy may no longer be planning to set aside half of earmarked funds for Republicans, a commitment he made months ago that his Republican counterpart expected as part of the upcoming appropriations process. “We just want to start having the bills and we’ll work it all out,” Leahy said… Continue reading News: Senate Earmark Split May Not Be 50-50
Analysis: Internal Deadlines vs. Committee Deadlines
As this local news story demonstrates, personal offices will set an internal deadline, often far in advance of the House Appropriations Committee’s deadline or the Senate Appropriations Committee’s deadline. This gives them time to weigh the relative merits of each project and come up with their final list, which they will submit to the Committee.… Continue reading Analysis: Internal Deadlines vs. Committee Deadlines
News: Community Colleges Stand to Benefit from New Earmark Rules
Inside Higher Ed reports: Traditionally, earmark requests were dominated by universities, but as the number of requests grew prior to the ban, community colleges also began to receive funding for projects on their campuses that couldn’t be supported by other programs, according to David Baime, senior vice president for government relations and policy analysis at… Continue reading News: Community Colleges Stand to Benefit from New Earmark Rules
News: Senate Committee Announces Deadlines
The Senate Appropriations Committee posted their deadlines and guidelines for submission on May 12, 2021: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies June 17, 2021 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies June 18, 2021 Defense (not accepting earmark requests) July 9, 2021(not acceptingearmarkrequests) Energy and Water Development June 16, 2021(earliest datefor earmarkrequests) Financial… Continue reading News: Senate Committee Announces Deadlines
Analysis: Here Are the Senators Who Are Accepting Earmarks
At this time, it appears that all 48 Senate Democrats and 2 Independents (who caucus with Democrats) are accepting earmark applications. Politico reported on 6 Republicans who have confirmed that they will be submitting earmark requests, and 12 Republicans who have not made a final decision or have not commented. Senator State Position Roy Blunt… Continue reading Analysis: Here Are the Senators Who Are Accepting Earmarks
Analysis: Where Are We? (Process Update – April 2021)
The final House Appropriations Committee earmark application deadlines are happening April 30, 2021. The Senate Appropriations Committee has announced a process for receiving earmark applications, but has not set a deadline. President Biden delivered his first address to a Joint Session of Congress on April 28, 2021, similar to a State of the Union address.… Continue reading Analysis: Where Are We? (Process Update – April 2021)
Analysis: What to Do if You Missed a Deadline
The deadlines for submission of earmark requests to House Appropriations bills are happening this week, but you don’t have to wait until next year to make a submission. The Senate just announced their process, and no deadlines have been announced yet. Subscribers learn additional tactics in the overview video and first steps guide. That being… Continue reading Analysis: What to Do if You Missed a Deadline
News: Senate Announces Process for Earmarks
Senator Leahy (D-VT) announced on Monday, April 26, 2021: “Today I’m announcing that the Senate Appropriations Committee will again accept requests for congressionally directed spending items on a bipartisan basis, requests of both the Republican leadership and Democratic leadership and will do so in a manner that promotes accountability and transparency,” Leahy said from the… Continue reading News: Senate Announces Process for Earmarks